Mitchell Electronics is an industry leading manufacturer of high-quality transformers in a wide variety of standard and custom deep drawn metal enclosures.
The following white paper outlines some of the advantages and highlights additional benefits versus using an open frame or plastic enclosure.
One of the most obvious advantages in dry type transformers is that most transformers are air cooled, meaning that the natural circulation of the surrounding air is utilized to carry away the heat generated by the losses. In this environment the metal enclosure protects the windings from mechanical injury.
An additional benefit of metal enclosures is that metal enclosures are a lot more resistant to weather. If you live in hard conditions where you experience a lot of rain or moisture then you must consider the material. In wet conditions, metal enclosures are a good selection. This is because even with protected plastics, there is a lot of chance of the plastic swelling up. Plastic is not preferred because of deforming issues especially when that plastic is attached to metals.
Metal enclosures may be used to discourage unauthorized access to live internal parts. In addition the enclosure may also include fuses and other accessories. The enclosure offers protection from contaminants such as moisture but also other issues like dust, metallic dust, and chemicals.
Another plus point that you will have with a metal enclosure is that it blocks all sorts of electrical interfaces. If you near an area with higher levels of noise pollution than a heavy shielded metal enclosure will block all sorts of interference’s as well as offer static protection.
The fact cannot be ignored that it lasts quite longer than plastic enclosures and is far more durable. Many of the MIL-T-27 requirements specifically call out for a hermetically sealed transformer to increase the operating lifetime of the transformer as well.
If you need any assistance with your transformers needs, please feel free to contact Mitchell Electronics… We are always happy to help with your specific projects.