An Explanation Of Common Terms In Transformer Manufacturing
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Common Terms in Transformer Manufacturing
Coil winding is the process where Iron-core transformers and inductors are commonly wound with solid copper wire insulated with enamel (this type of wire is known as magnet wire) and the process of winding the wire is commonly referred to as coil winding. A completed coil assembly with taps etc. is often called a winding.
Coil winding can be done either random wound where the wire is run on the bobbin in a more or less random fashion or the wire may be laid side by side in neat rows or “layers”, after each layer an insulating paper is applied between the layers.
Bobbin winding is basically coil winding that is placed on a cylinder with flanges. The bobbin itself can be made from heavy paper, card, fiber board, or plastic.
Electric Transformer is most commonly described as a device that takes electricity of one voltage and changes it into another voltage.
Regulation is a term used to describe the change in the output voltage when the load is reduced from the rated value (full load) to zero (no load) with input voltage remaining constant.
It is good practice in the design to aim for good regulation, assuming that it is an important factor for the required application. One example of a factor of regulation is low winding resistance, other factors include the shape of the core, magnetizing current and iron-core loss current.